
A supply chain expert on how tech is impacting the future of logistics 1

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Paige Cox, the head of SAP’s Logistics Business Network, believes that in order “to have the perfect customer experience, you have to have the perfect product experience.” In a changing era of logistics, we’ve partnered with SAP to provide unique, customizable solutions for both shippers and carriers. We sat down with Cox to find out her views on technology’s impact on the shipping industry.

How do you see technology further impacting the shipping industry?

“I think technology in the shipping industry is tremendous because you really never know what’s going to emerge and how the industry can evolve. There are so many possibilities to create new business models, to create new values, to connect to different things, and to connect people and processes together.

I think a lot of the things we never thought would be possible, will be possible with technology. Finding the right problems to solve? That’s always the challenge.”

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